Senior Professor
Former head of the Chair of Electrical Engineering and Plasma Technology
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Angewandte Elektrodynamik und Plasmatechnik
Universitätsstraße 150
D-44801 Bochum
ID 1/543
+49 234 32 22487

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Böddecker, A., Passmann, M., Segura, A. N. T., Bodnar, A., Awakowicz, F., Oppotsch, T., Muhler, M., Awakowicz, P., Gibson, A. R., Korolov, I., & Mussenbrock, T. (2025). The role of flow field dynamics in enhancing volatile organic compound conversion in a surface dielectric barrier discharge system. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 58(2), 025208. Cite
Böddeker, S., Göricke, J., Kogelheide, B., Bibinov, N., Purcel, M., Muhler, M., Mussenbrock, T., & Awakowicz, P. (2025). Characterization of a Gliding Arc Plasmatron for the Plasma Assisted Pyrolysis of Methane to Acetylene and Hydrogen. Plasma Processes and Polymers. Cite
Osca Engelbrecht, M., Jenderny, J., Hylla, H., Filla, D., Awakowicz, P., Korolov, I., Ridgers, C. P., & Gibson, A. R. (2024). Numerical investigation of vacuum ultra-violet emission in Ar/O 2 inductively coupled plasmas. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 33(9), 095008. Cite
Wirth, P., Oberste‐Beulmann, C., Nitsche, T., Muhler, M., & Awakowicz, P. (2024). Application of a Scaled‐up Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor in the Trace Oxygen Removal in Hydrogen‐Rich Gas Mixtures at Ambient and Elevated Pressure. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, cite.202400011. Cite
Böddeker, S., Gröger, S., Bibinov, N., & Awakowicz, P. (2024). Characterization of a filamentary discharge ignited in a gliding arc plasmatron operated in nitrogen flow. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 33(5), 055018. Cite
Nawrath, N., Korolov, I., Bibinov, N., Awakowicz, P., & Gibson, A. R. (2023). Spatio-temporal dynamics of electrons and helium metastables in uniform dielectric barrier discharges formed in He/N 2. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 32(12), 125014. Cite
De Los Arcos, T., Awakowicz, P., Böke, M., Boysen, N., Brinkmann, R. P., Dahlmann, R., Devi, A., Eremin, D., Franke, J., Gergs, T., Jenderny, J., Kemaneci, E., Kühne, T. D., Kusmierz, S., Mussenbrock, T., Rubner, J., Trieschmann, J., Wessling, M., Xie, X., … Grundmeier, G. (2023). PECVD and PEALD on polymer substrates (part II): Understanding and tuning of barrier and membrane properties of thin films. Plasma Processes and Polymers, e2300186. Cite
De Los Arcos, T., Awakowicz, P., Benedikt, J., Biskup, B., Böke, M., Boysen, N., Buschhaus, R., Dahlmann, R., Devi, A., Gergs, T., Jenderny, J., Von Keudell, A., Kühne, T. D., Kusmierz, S., Müller, H., Mussenbrock, T., Trieschmann, J., Zanders, D., Zysk, F., & Grundmeier, G. (2023). PECVD and PEALD on polymer substrates (part I): Fundamentals and analysis of plasma activation and thin film growth. Plasma Processes and Polymers, e2300150. Cite
Böddecker, A., Passmann, M., Wilczek, S., Schücke, L., Korolov, I., Skoda, R., Mussenbrock, T., Gibson, A. R., & Awakowicz, P. (2023). Interactions Between Flow Fields Induced by Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge Arrays. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. Cite
Ollegott, K., Wirth, P., Oberste-Beulmann, C., Sakthi, G. S. M., Magazova, A., Hermanns, P., Peters, N., Schücke, L., Bracht, V., Agar, D. W., Awakowicz, P., & Muhler, M. (2023). Investigation of flow characteristics in a twin-surface dielectric barrier discharge reactor by Schlieren imaging. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 56(26), 265201. Cite
Feibel, D., Golda, J., Held, J., Awakowicz, P., Schulz-von Der Gathen, V., Suschek, C. V., Opländer, C., & Jansen, F. (2023). Gas Flow-Dependent Modification of Plasma Chemistry in μAPP Jet-Generated Cold Atmospheric Plasma and Its Impact on Human Skin Fibroblasts. Biomedicines, 11(5), 1242. Cite
Bracht, V., Gembus, J.-L., Bibinov, N., & Awakowicz, P. (2023). Surface modifications of aluminium and aluminium oxide induced by a treatment with a He-plasma jet and plasma electrolytic oxidation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 56(16), 165201. Cite
Eremin, D., Engel, D., Krüger, D., Wilczek, S., Berger, B., Oberberg, M., Wölfel, C., Smolyakov, A., Lunze, J., Awakowicz, P., Schulze, J., & Brinkmann, R. P. (2023). Electron dynamics in planar radio frequency magnetron plasmas: I. The mechanism of Hall heating and the µ-mode. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 32(4), 045007. Cite
Eremin, D., Berger, B., Engel, D., Kallähn, J., Köhn, K., Krüger, D., Xu, L., Oberberg, M., Wölfel, C., Lunze, J., Awakowicz, P., Schulze, J., & Brinkmann, R. P. (2023). Electron dynamics in planar radio frequency magnetron plasmas: II. Heating and energization mechanisms studied via a 2d3v particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo code. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 32(4), 045008. Cite
Berger, B., Eremin, D., Oberberg, M., Engel, D., Wölfel, C., Zhang, Q.-Z., Awakowicz, P., Lunze, J., Brinkmann, R. P., & Schulze, J. (2023). Electron dynamics in planar radio frequency magnetron plasmas: III. Comparison of experimental investigations of power absorption dynamics to simulation results. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 32(4), 045009. Cite
Kreuznacht, S., Purcel, M., Böddeker, S., Awakowicz, P., Xia, W., Muhler, M., Böke, M., & Keudell, A. V. (2023). Comparison of the performance of a microwave plasma torch and a gliding arc plasma for hydrogen production via methane pyrolysis. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 20(1), 2200132. Cite
Roggendorf, J., Berger, B., Eremin, D., Oberberg, M., Engel, D., Wölfel, C., Zhang, Q.-Z., Awakowicz, P., Lunze, J., & Schulze, J. (2022). Experimental investigations of plasma dynamics in the hysteresis regime of reactive RF sputter processes. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 31(6), 065007. Cite
Schücke, L., Bodnar, A., Friedrichs, N., Böddecker, A., Peters, N., Ollegott, K., Oberste-Beulmann, C., Wirth, P., Nguyen-Smith, R. T., Korolov, I., Gibson, A. R., Muhler, M., & Awakowicz, P. (2022). Optical absorption spectroscopy of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in a surface dielectric barrier discharge. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55(21), 215205. Cite
Nguyen-Smith, R. T., Böddecker, A., Schücke, L., Bibinov, N., Korolov, I., Zhang, Q.-Z., Mussenbrock, T., Awakowicz, P., & Schulze, J. (2022). μs and ns twin surface dielectric barrier discharges operated in air: from electrode erosion to plasma characteristics. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 31(3), 035008. Cite
Fuchs, F., Bibinov, N., Blanco, E. V., Pfaender, S., Theiß, S., Wolter, H., & Awakowicz, P. (2022). Characterization of a robot-assisted UV-C disinfection for the inactivation of surface-associated microorganisms and viruses. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, 11, 100123. Cite
Böddecker, A., Bodnar, A., Schücke, L., Giesekus, J., Wenselau, K., Nguyen-Smith, R. T., Oppotsch, T., Oberste-Beulmann, C., Muhler, M., Gibson, A. R., & Awakowicz, P. (2022). A scalable twin surface dielectric barrier discharge system for pollution remediation at high gas flow rates. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 10.1039.D2RE00167E. Cite
Bracht, V., Kogelheide, F., Gröger, S., Hermanns, P., Böddeker, S., Bibinov, N., & Awakowicz, P. (2021). Modifications of an electrolytic aluminum oxide film under the treatment with microdischarges during plasma electrolytic oxidation, a self-organized dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) and a DBD-like plasma jet. Plasma Research Express, 3(4), 045001. Cite
Ries, S., Schroeder, M., Woestefeld, M., Corbella, C., Korolov, I., Awakowicz, P., & Schulze, J. (2021). Relative calibration of a retarding field energy analyzer sensor array for spatially resolved measurements of the ion flux and ion energy in low temperature plasmas. Review of Scientific Instruments, 92(10), 103503. Cite
Hillebrand, B., Jurjut, O., Schuhmann, T., Schürmann, M., Neugebauer, A., Kemen, M., Awakowicz, P., & Enderle, M. (2021). Tissue differentiation using optical emission spectroscopy for gastric mucosal devitalisation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54(26), 265204. Cite
Zhang, Q.-Z., Nguyen-Smith, R. T., Beckfeld, F., Liu, Y., Mussenbrock, T., Awakowicz, P., & Schulze, J. (2021). Computational study of simultaneous positive and negative streamer propagation in a twin surface dielectric barrier discharge via 2D PIC simulations. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 30(7), 075017. Cite
Klute, M., Kemaneci, E., Porteanu, H.-E., Stefanović, I., Heinrich, W., Awakowicz, P., & Brinkmann, R. P. (2021). Modelling of a miniature microwave driven nitrogen plasma jet and comparison to measurements. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 30(6), 065014. Cite
Hermanns, P., Kogelheide, F., Bracht, V., Ries, S., Krüger, F., Böddeker, S., Bibinov, N., & Awakowicz, P. (2021). Formation and behaviour of plasma spots on the surface of titanium film. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54(8), 085203. Cite
Hermanns, P., Boeddeker, S., Bracht, V., Bibinov, N., Grundmeier, G., & Awakowicz, P. (2021). Investigation of the frequency dependent spatio-temporal dynamics and controllability of microdischarges in unipolar pulsed plasma electrolytic oxidation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54(4), 045205. Cite
Yayci, A., Dirks, T., Kogelheide, F., Alcalde, M., Hollmann, F., Awakowicz, P., & Bandow, J. E. (2021). Protection strategies for biocatalytic proteins under plasma treatment. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54(3), 035204. Cite
Pohle, D., Mitschker, F., Jenderny, J., Rudolph, M., Schulz, C., Awakowicz, P., & Rolfes, I. (2021). A Minimally Invasive Monitoring Concept for Plasma-Assisted Surface Treatments in PET Bottles. 2020 50th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 479–482. Cite
Oberrath, J., Friedrichs, M., Gong, J., Oberberg, M., Pohle, D., Schulz, C., Wang, C., Awakowicz, P., Brinkmann, R. P., Lapke, M., Mussenbrock, T., Musch, T., & Rolfes, I. (2021). On the Multipole Resonance Probe: Current Status of Research and Development. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 49(11), 3293–3298. Cite
Woelfel, C., Oberberg, M., Berger, B., Engel, D., Brinkmann, R. P., Schulze, J., Awakowicz, P., & Lunze, J. (2021). Control-oriented plasma modeling and controller design for reactive sputtering. IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, 16, 100142. Cite
Peters, N., Schücke, L., Ollegott, K., Oberste‐Beulmann, C., Awakowicz, P., & Muhler, M. (2021). Catalyst‐enhanced plasma oxidation of n ‐butane over α‐MnO 2 in a temperature‐controlled twin surface dielectric barrier discharge reactor. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 18(4), 2000127. Cite
Wollitzer, M., Armbrecht, G., Fuchs, M., Awakowicz, P., Musch, T., Gröger, S., Bergner, A., Notzon, G., & Van Delden, M. (2021). Ignition device and method for igniting an air/fuel mixture. Cite
Fuchs, M., Wollitzer, M., Armbrecht, G., Awakowicz, P., Musch, T., Gröger, S., Bergner, A., Notzon, G., & Van Delden, M. (2021). Spark plug for a high frequency ignition system. Cite
Armbrecht, G., Fuchs, M., Wollitzer, M., Van Delden, M., Musch, T., Groger, S., Bergner, A., Notzon, G., & Awakowicz, P. (2021). Ignition device for igniting an air/fuel mixture in a combustion chamber. Cite
Hillebrand, B., Iglesias, E., Gibson, A. R., Bibinov, N., Neugebauer, A., Enderle, M., & Awakowicz, P. (2020). Determination of plasma parameters by spectral line broadening in an electrosurgical argon plasma. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29(12), 125011. Cite
Yayci, A., Dirks, T., Kogelheide, F., Alcalde, M., Hollmann, F., Awakowicz, P., & Bandow, J. E. (2020). Microscale Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet as a Source for Plasma‐Driven Biocatalysis. ChemCatChem, 12(23), 5893–5897. Cite
Schücke, L., Gembus, J.-L., Peters, N., Kogelheide, F., Nguyen-Smith, R. T., Gibson, A. R., Schulze, J., Muhler, M., & Awakowicz, P. (2020). Conversion of volatile organic compounds in a twin surface dielectric barrier discharge. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29(11), 114003. Cite
Hoppe, C., Mitschker, F., Butterling, M., Liedke, M. O., de Los Arcos, T., Awakowicz, P., Wagner, A., & Grundmeier, G. (2020). Characterisation of micropores in plasma deposited SiO x films by means of positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53(47), 475205. Cite
Hermanns, P., Boeddeker, S., Bracht, V., Bibinov, N., & Awakowicz, P. (2020). In-situ control of microdischarge characteristics in unipolar pulsed plasma electrolytic oxidation of aluminum. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53(43), 435204. Cite
Deichmöller, J., Kogelheide, F., Murke, S., Hüther, D., Schwaab, G., Awakowicz, P., & Havenith, M. (2020). Does plasma-induced methionine degradation provide alternative reaction paths for cell death? Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53(35), 355401. Cite
Böddeker, S., Bracht, V., Hermanns, P., Gröger, S., Kogelheide, F., Bibinov, N., & Awakowicz, P. (2020). Anode spots of low current gliding arc plasmatron. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29(8), 08LT01. Cite
Oberberg, M., Berger, B., Buschheuer, M., Engel, D., Wölfel, C., Eremin, D., Lunze, J., Brinkmann, R. P., Awakowicz, P., & Schulze, J. (2020). The magnetic asymmetry effect in geometrically asymmetric capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges operated in Ar/O 2. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29(7), 075013. Cite
Kogelheide, F., Voigt, F., Hillebrand, B., Moeller, R., Fuchs, F., Gibson, A. R., Awakowicz, P., Stapelmann, K., & Fiebrandt, M. (2020). The role of humidity and UV-C emission in the inactivation of B. subtilis spores during atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge treatment. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53(29), 295201. Cite
Gröger, S., Fiebrandt, M., Hamme, M., Bibinov, N., & Awakowicz, P. (2020). Characterization of a transient spark micro-discharge in nitrogen using simultaneous two-wavelength diagnostics. Measurement Science and Technology, 31(7), 075501. Cite
Fiebrandt, M., & Awakowicz, P. (2020). A simple Peltier cold trap aperture for protection of vacuum UV optics against hydrocarbons and reliable calibration of VUV spectrometers using D 2 lamps. Measurement Science and Technology, 31(7), 077002. Cite
Klute, M., Porteanu, H.-E., Stefanović, I., Heinrich, W., Awakowicz, P., & Brinkmann, R. P. (2020). Theoretical investigation of a miniature microwave driven plasma jet. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29(6), 065018. Cite
Fiebrandt, M., Bibinov, N., & Awakowicz, P. (2020). Determination of atomic oxygen state densities in a double inductively coupled plasma using optical emission and absorption spectroscopy and probe measurements. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29(4), 045018. Cite
Iglesias, E. J., Hecimovic, A., Mitschker, F., Fiebrandt, M., Bibinov, N., & Awakowicz, P. (2020). Ultraviolet/vacuum-ultraviolet emission from a high power magnetron sputtering plasma with an aluminum target. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53(5), 055202. Cite