Dr.-Ing. Ilija Stefanović

Senior Researcher

Ruhr-Uni­ver­si­tät Bo­chum
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Angewandte Elektrodynamik und Plasmatechnik
Uni­ver­si­täts­stra­ße 150
D-44801 Bo­chum, Germany

ID 2/509

+49 234 32 24094



Klute, M., Kemaneci, E., Porteanu, H.-E., Stefanović, I., Heinrich, W., Awakowicz, P., & Brinkmann, R. P. (2021). Modelling of a miniature microwave driven nitrogen plasma jet and comparison to measurements. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 30(6), 065014. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6595/ac04bc Cite
Klute, M., Porteanu, H.-E., Stefanović, I., Heinrich, W., Awakowicz, P., & Brinkmann, R. P. (2020). Theoretical investigation of a miniature microwave driven plasma jet. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29(6), 065018. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6595/ab9483 Cite
Porteanu, H.-E., Stefanović, I., Bibinov, N., Klute, M., Awakowicz, P., Brinkmann, R. P., & Heinrich, W. (2019). Correlated mode analysis of a microwave driven ICP source. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 28(3), 035013. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6595/ab06a7 Cite
Stefanović, I., Bibinov, N., Porteanu, H.-E., Klute, M., Brinkmann, R.-P., & Awakowicz, P. (2018). Optical characterization of a novel miniature microwave inductively coupled plasma source in nitrogen flow. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 27(12), 12LT01. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6595/aaefcc Cite