Dr.-Ing. Bastian Kogelheide (né Hillebrand)

Senior Researcher

Ruhr-Uni­ver­si­tät Bo­chum
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Angewandte Elektrodynamik und Plasmatechnik
Uni­ver­si­täts­stra­ße 150
D-44801 Bo­chum, Germany

ID 1/539

+49 234 32 27670



Hillebrand, B., Jurjut, O., Schuhmann, T., Schürmann, M., Neugebauer, A., Kemen, M., Awakowicz, P., & Enderle, M. (2021). Tissue differentiation using optical emission spectroscopy for gastric mucosal devitalisation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54(26), 265204. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/abf400 Cite
Hillebrand, B., Iglesias, E., Gibson, A. R., Bibinov, N., Neugebauer, A., Enderle, M., & Awakowicz, P. (2020). Determination of plasma parameters by spectral line broadening in an electrosurgical argon plasma. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29(12), 125011. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6595/abc411 Cite
Kogelheide, F., Voigt, F., Hillebrand, B., Moeller, R., Fuchs, F., Gibson, A. R., Awakowicz, P., Stapelmann, K., & Fiebrandt, M. (2020). The role of humidity and UV-C emission in the inactivation of B. subtilis spores during atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge treatment. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53(29), 295201. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/ab77cc Cite
Fiebrandt, M., Hillebrand, B., Lackmann, J.-W., Raguse, M., Moeller, R., Awakowicz, P., & Stapelmann, K. (2018). Inactivation of B. subtilis spores by low pressure plasma—influence of optical filters and photon/particle fluxes on the inactivation efficiency. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51(4), 045401. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/aa9f0a Cite
Fiebrandt, M., Hillebrand, B., Spiekermeier, S., Bibinov, N., Böke, M., & Awakowicz, P. (2017). Measurement of Ar resonance and metastable level number densities in argon containing plasmas. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50(35), 355202. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/aa7d67 Cite
Hermanns, P., Hillebrand, B., Fiebrandt, M., & Awakowicz, P. (2017). Measurement Of Resonant And Metastable Densities In A Low Pressure, Microwave Driven, Micro Argon Plasma By Optical Emission Spectroscopy. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), 1–1. https://doi.org/10.1109/PLASMA.2017.8496165 Cite